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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Starplug Pre-Order

What's in the box?

Each Starplug box contains the Starplug smart device itself and a quick start guide to help you get it set up. Also included is information on how to download the Starpower app, which you'll use to manage your device and view your energy usage and rewards.

What is the price of Starplug?

Starplug starts at $99 plus taxes, shipping fees and duties for international orders.

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Does it work in my region?

We understand that plug and socket standards vary across different countries and regions. To ensure that you can use your Starplug smart device right out of the box, we will automatically match and ship the plug type that is compatible with your shipping address.

Do you ship to my country?

We currently ship to countries in the European Union, North America, and the Asia-Pacific region. If you're unsure whether we ship to your specific location, please contact our support team for more information.

When will my Starplug be shipped?

We expect to begin shipping Starplug devices from late April, depending on your region. You'll receive a confirmation email with your shipping details and a tracking number once your order is dispatched.

How do I cancel my order or return a product?

You may cancel your order before it has been shipped, but please be aware that a cancellation fee of $30 will apply. To return a product, you must contact within 7 days of receiving your shipment. Once you have indicated your intent to return, you will have an additional 7 days to return your products or arrange for their collection. Keep in mind, only products purchased directly from Starpower qualify for a return. Ensure the item is returned with all included accessories and packaging. A restocking fee of $30 per unit will also apply for returns, and you will be responsible for covering the shipping and any applicable VAT/duties. Refunds will be issued minus the shipping costs, cancellation fee, or restocking fee, using alternative methods since refunds cannot be processed back to the original payment method. Please note, activated devices are ineligible for return due to their unique digital wallet. See our Terms of Service for more information.

For any additional questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team We're here to help make your Starplug experience as smooth and rewarding as possible.